Di Pondok Pesantren Darussalam Kersamanah Garut

  • Denden Sudarman Hadiwijaya IAILM Suryalaya
  • Ahmad Hilal Hadiwijaya
Keywords: Education, Vocational Skills, Boarding school


This article aims to determine how important the vocational skill education for students in the Darussalam Islamic Boarding School of Kersamanah Garut. The background of this research is that ideally the person who was educated both formal and non-formal schools at least have the skills of life that it faces, especially in the world of work. In fact there are a lot of unemployment among educated either issued by the formal and non-formal education is still unused and still many educational institutions interventioned with offices and civil service, and there are still doubts in the world of work on the output issued boarding. Therefore it is necessary to study "Education Vocational Skills (Case Study In Darusaalam Islamic Boarding School Kersamanah Garut)", This study aims to describe and analyze the development of vocational skills in applied as future supplies students. It uses the method to achieve the goal of research is to reserch descriptive qualitative method. Data retrieval is done by interview, observation and documentation. Results from this study showed that the Darussalam Islamic Boarding school is a boarding school that equip students with vocational skills through extra-curricular activities in the form of education life skills oriented vocational education skills such as : organizational and clerical schools , or in the form of a course in which there are education vocational skills such as : automotive , sewing and culinary art , or other training by bringing in trainers from outside schools , in order to motivate students to become productive graduates who are able to enter public life line


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How to Cite
Hadiwijaya, D., & Hadiwijaya, A. (2019). PENDIDIKAN VOCATIONAL SKILLS. THORIQOTUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2(1), 68-87.