LATIFAH <p><strong>Jurnal Ilmu Tasawuf dan Kebudayaan Islam&nbsp;</strong>ISSN&nbsp;<em>Print: <a href=";1328260163&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2085-3165&nbsp;</a></em>&nbsp;;&nbsp;&nbsp;is a periodically&nbsp;<em>scientific</em>&nbsp;journal published by the Islamic Institute of Latifah Mubarokiya Suryalaya. The journal focuses its scope on the issues of Islamic mistisism (tasawuf) and Islamic cultural. We invite scientists, scholars, researchers, as well as profesionnals in the field of Islamic education to publish their researches in our Journal. This Journal is published every June and December annually.</p> en-US Fri, 20 Jul 2018 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 KONSELING BERBASIS NILAI-NILAI SUFISTIK DI PONDOK PESANTREN SURYALAYA <p>In Indonesia, the cases of drug abuse was first found in Jakarta in 1969 by the medicine when they treated two victims or patients since it is the distribution and drug abuse in the country from time to time tends to increase, both in quality and quantity. Indonesia originally a transit country, but entered the third millennium has turned into a goal area operations by international drug ring. In general, there are several steps that can be performed in danger of drug abuse prevention efforts, namely: preventive, curative, rehabilitation, and repressive measures. However, given the number of adolescents who are victims of drug abuse today is increasingly growing, and urged the conundrum addressed now is how to heal those who have been addicted to this dangerous substance, without neglecting the preventive and repressive. One of the juvenile drug addicts are at boarding school Pondok Inabah Suryalaya Tasikmalaya by applying Qadiriyah wan Naqsyabandiyah (TQN).</p> Puad Hasim ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 20 Jul 2018 00:00:00 +0000 TRADISI NERBANG DI PONDOK PESANTREN SURYALAYA <p>One of the tradition is done in Islamic Boarding School Suryalaya is nerbang tradition. It is aimed first merely as an art performance done by the Cirebon society and then it is transformed by Abah Sepuh (Syekh Abdullah Mubarrok) to his students. The performance is done by using the “Terbang” tool and it also accompanied by shalawat barzanji to commemorate Prophet Muhammad SAW. To analize this phenomenon, the researcher uses ethno science approach to find out the thick description about the implementation of nerbang tradition and the efforts in maintaining the tradition. It is because this tradition has the Islamic values that could be imitated and preserved by the students within their life to enhance the Islamic personal quality.</p> Solihah Sari Rahayu ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 20 Jul 2018 00:00:00 +0000 CRITICAL ANALISYS: KONSEP PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DALAM PERSPEKTIF TASAWUF <p>Character education is potencially important to create a good personal character. It needs an approach to be implemented in national curriculum. With the right education and quality, civilized individuals will be formed which eventually led to a moral social life. The main purpose of sufistic education in Islam creates akhlaqul karimah. The method used is the study documentation or often called the study of literature. Studies document or text is a study that focuses on the analysis or interpretation of the written material in context. The goals are to obtain a deep understanding of the phenomenon to the next produced a theory.The results essence and character education has the same meaning as moral education and moral education. There are some sufistic terms used as a learning approach, such us recitations, study groups', tarbiyah, ta'dib, Tazkiyah and tadlrîb. Recitations regarding the ability to read; Ta'lim related to intellectual development (intellectual quotient); Tarbiyah regarding care and affection instinctively in which there grindstones, compassion and caring; ta'dib associated with the development of emotional intelligence (emotional quotient); Tazkiyah related to the development of spiritual intelligence (spiritual quotient); Tadlrib associated with physical intelligence or skills (physical quotient or adversity quotient). The goals of character education based on Sufism are to someone accustomed to doing good deeds. Second, that human interaction with God and our fellow creatures is always well maintained and harmony.</p> Try Riduan Santoso ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 20 Jul 2018 00:00:00 +0000 PEMAKNAAN LINGUISTIK BAROKAH PADA KEHIDUPAN IKHWAN TQN SURYALAYA <p>Pondok Pesantren Suryalaya as the biggest center of TQN gives many con tributions to the society especially for the students (ikhwan). The significant dif ferences found on ikhwan to them selves before and after affirm their self as a member of TQN make them believe that it was a right decision. The figure of leader (mursyid) is the central figure who gives them blessing (barokah) within their life with his guidances. Because of that reason, most of the students (ikhwan) viewed blessing as an act and some students interpret and implement that blessing in every aspect of his/her life. Based on that statement, it can be conluded that the students (ikhwan) in expressing their view about blessing by using confirmation and statement based on their experiences and practices. The researcher concludes that those utterance stated by the informants can be categorized into representative and expressive.</p> Ulfatmi Azlan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 20 Jul 2018 00:00:00 +0000 KISAH PENONTON TELEVISI PADA KOMUNITAS TQN SURYALAYA <p>This paper investigates the activity of watching television according to the experiences of two families in Tarekat Naqsabandiyah Qadariyah comunity Suryalaya and how contextual aspects in the interaction of daily media. This research does not intend to measure and find out a specific effect of media usage on family informants, but it merely gives a description of watching television as a cultural practice. The study was also conducted as a counterargument from the tradition of media effects research on passive audience. For this purpose, the researcher used ethnographic methods which not only involve researcher in family informants’ daily but also conduct interviews to complete the knowledge of researchers about the dynamics of watching behavior in the family. From the research, it finds that member of family appears activity of watching television which is very active. Watching is only one of cultural fenomena in the society, on contrary it is not only their daily activity. By having information and data from informan, this study shows some contextual aspects which is involved and negotiated as cultural values in experiencing television.</p> Umi Najikhah Fikriyati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 20 Jul 2018 00:00:00 +0000 UPAYA TQN (DIAMALKAN, DIAMANKAN, DAN DILESTARIKAN) <p>This paper is to describe the perception of Thoriqoh Qodiriyah Naqsabandiyah (TQN) communities toward Abah Anom’s doctrine, as follows “Practiced, Maintained, and Preserved”. The method used in this research was participant observation and deep interview. Data was analyzed qualitatively by Spradley Model. This study shows that there are three perceptions of “Abah Anom’s special statement which are “Practiced, Maintained, and Preserved”. (a) Wakil Talqin gets them to practice rememberance only to Alloh (dzikrulloh) and invite family to do it (b) Talqin means that a promise to Mursyid as well as a promise to The God and maintains purity of doctrine (c) Ikhwan TQN should practice not only theoretical and philosophical tashawuf but also more implemented tashawuf.</p> Syukron Ma’mun ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 20 Jul 2018 00:00:00 +0000 LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH SEBAGAI AFDHALU DZIKRI TINJAUAN MULTIDIMENSI <p>This paper will try to examine the dzkir la ilaha illa Allah with a review of the book of tafsir, Hadith, Sufism, Sufis, psychological perspectives and experimental. The interpretation that is referred to is the Tafseer Ibn Katheer, the Hadith of the Prophet referred to from Fadhilah charity, the book Sufism refers to the Jami ' Al-Usul Aulia, sufi perspective by examining lectures Murshid TQN Suryalaya boarding schools and psychology perspective by reference on the results of a research psychologist from GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY, Dr. Subandi about influence of Dhikr against one's soul. Experimental studies refer to stories experienced by students in amaliyah Dhikr, either through exposure to oral or deliberately asked to write down his experiences in writing.</p> Rojaya R ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 20 Jul 2018 00:00:00 +0000