Fenomena Praktik Ijtihad dan Taqlid dalam Pandangan Hukum Islam

  • Syarif Muhammad Yahya STAI Mahad Aly Cirebon
Keywords: ijtihad, taqlid, islamic law


This paper aims to analyze the extent of ijtihad and taqlid perspectives according to classical and
contemporary scholars. Understanding the scope of mujtahid and muqallid requirements and urgency
in Islamic Fiqh. The writing method used is a literature review method which is included in the category
of textual historical research regarding the content of ijtihad. Sources of research through primary,
secondary, and tertiary data obtained from literature, documentation, and expert opinion. The results
can be concluded that the prospect of ijtihad in the current era is actually still wide open for those
who have full competence, unfortunately it is still quite difficult to realize due to several obstacles
including one, many scholars think that after the third period the door of ijtihad has been closed, and
although it is possible, it is possible Ijtihad is only at the level of muqayyad and not mustaqil. Two, the
difference in perspective on the boundaries of the legal object of ijtihad often creates conflicts and
makes intellectuals afraid and empty. Three, the actualization of Islamic law is still only a discourse
without any continuity


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How to Cite
Yahya, S. 2021. Fenomena Praktik Ijtihad dan Taqlid dalam Pandangan Hukum Islam. Mutawasith: Jurnal Hukum Islam. 4, 2 (Dec. 2021), 89-102. DOI:https://doi.org/10.47971/mjhi.v4i2.352.